TITLE "Spirit Of Nature"

“GALE BENNETT’S landscape paintings remind us of the essential harmony underlying sensory experience. The poetic composition of his lines and forms corresponds to a larger truth, the human need for connection to the binding energy within nature--a nameless but very real presence that saturates his canvasses….

In Bennett’s paintings visual experience undergoes a kind of alchemy, what Degas called ‘a transformation in which imagination and memory work together.’ The works in this exhibition are evidence of that mysteriously powerful process. Every one is a love story, demonstrating to gallery visitors Bennett’s passion for the beauty of paint on canvas.”

Jay Williams Chief Curator, McKissick Museum University of South Carolina, USA 2004

[3. 30. 2006]
Gale Bennetts upcoming shows and events.
[3. 30. 2006]
Gale Bennetts upcoming shows and events.
[3. 30. 2006]
Gale Bennetts upcoming shows and events.